Coming soon

Dear friend,

With the rapid development of technology, if we human beings don’t embrace simplicity in our lives, we will be lost. Our brains cannot compete with or follow the algorithms of powerful computers and artificial intelligence. These technologies were originally developed to help us to have more time to live in the present. What really happened, because of our addictive nature, was that we lost ourselves in new technological possibilities. Our need for consumption allowed us to be consumed, and always keeps us hungry for new gadgets to buy. The result of all this is that we have lost our spiritual center. Over the course of my entire career I have developed the Abramovic Method to help me and others recenter themselves and focus on what is most important- to live in the present, long and healthily. My idea for the Longevity Concept is to re-discover forgotten rituals and knowledge of the past.

With love and gratitude, Marina Abramović

Marina Abramović Signature